Monday 27 May 2013


I see mothers hustling and bustling around New York City. They carry heavy strollers down subway steps, run after an energetic two year old on a crowded street, and play in concrete playgrounds with barbed wire fencing around them.
And after all this I have to wonder...will I ever be able to raise a family here?
Other then the fact it seems like a total nightmare, it can't be cheap raising a little one in the big apple. 

Thousands of young girls right out of college move to New York to follow their dreams, have the time of their lives and to hopefully fall in love. But how dangerous can falling in love be for a girl new to a big ol city, with the potential of finding "the one" and ultimately raising a family? I see it constantly -- young mothers schlepping their kids around, the chaotic stress they exuberate and the look in their eyes, pleading to anyone they lock gazes with, screaming "help me", is like seeing into a looking glass of the future.

I fell in love with a born and raised manhattan boy. Whose parents were both born and raised, and both sets of their parents were born and raised. So, guess where my man wants to have his kids ? That's right, in Manhattan so they can be born and raised.

Although marriage and a family might be a few years away for me, after over two years in a happy relationship, a girl can't help but have thoughts. And as a girl who grew up living ten minutes from the beach, with a jungle in her backyard, I can't help but hope for something similar for my kids one day or at least a backyard and a white picket fence!
Alas, as I fall more in love with Mr. Manhattan, I can't help but bring up sweetly "You know, there are lovely places outside the city with only a 20 minute commute!"

But today, when I witnessed a man hurry past a woman with her two little kids, pushing all three of them into the street where a speeding taxi nearly just missed them, I thought, can I really do this? 
As a frantically pulled out my cell phone and started typing to my boyfriend "I'll take Brooklyn, Queens, hell even the Bronx!" I hit the backspace button, took a deep breath and kept walking.
They always say love will make you do crazy things you never deemed possible -- whoever "they" are.

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