Sunday 19 May 2013


We've all had those nights when we got too drunk and threw up in the bars bathroom
... it happens! But, what should we do when adding a sexy guy to the equation? Do we go through with hooking up with him or does are conscience stop us?
A girl in my office told me she had this dilemma a few nights ago. Her in the guy went back to his place and she wasn't sure if she should go through with staying over knowing she had gotten sick.
After a few laughs and shared stories about how many times a similar thing had happened to me or someone I had known, I got to thinking -- how many other girls have struggled with a similar scenario?  
And here's what I decided is the safe answer. It all depends on the location that the dirty deed is done.  
@ the bar : Go for it!
@ home : No way. 

My reasoning? Bars are loud, crazy and filled with commotion. If you puke in a bar its easier to hide the evidence. Chances are if you are able to order another drink, socialize, dance and pretend like nothing happened ... you'll probably be fine for the time being. Pop a mint and don't let your little uh oh ruin your fun night. Hey -- you didn't wear those cute CFM pumps for nothing!

But, if you spill the beans once back at you apartment (or worse his) its better to call it quits for the night. With the dark lights, loud music and people gone, the mood at home is totally awkward if you get sick. And in the case that your in a white bathroom with bright lights, feeling the pressure to get back to the bedroom where a guy awaits you (who probably just heard you yak your brains out), the situation becomes all too real and even more nauseating.
Plus, your bad breath is definitely not sexy. 
Verdict says: call a cab!

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